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Exploding Kittens A Game Of Cat And Mouth (EN)
Exploding Kittens A Game Of Cat And Mouth (EN)

A Game Of Cat And Mouth (EN)



A Game of Cat & Mouth is a fiercely competitive magnet-powered Pinball'ish game from the creators of Exploding Kittens. In this highly-addicting game, players must hurl colorful balls through a cat's mouth and onto their opponent's side. The first player to fling all the balls to the other side wins!

  • Contains 16 flickable balls and two magnetic Kitty Paw Flickers!
  • Fun for the whole family, ages 7+!
  • The box is the game, just open and play!
  • Features Rainbow Ralphing Cat, one of the most recognizable characters in the Exploding Kittens Universe.
  • Exploding Kittens games have sold 11MM units to date.


Site web de L'éditeur: https://www.explodingkittens.com/products/a-game-of-cat-mouth


Durée de partie: 15 min

Groupe d'âge: Famille

Langue: Anglais (EN)

Nombre de joueurs: 2(Duel)


Code de produit :CAT-MOUTH-1

Code UPC :852131006419

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