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Bitoku Resutoran: The expansion to Bitoku has arrived!
Everyone to the table! At the request of the community, the expansion to Bitoku has arrived: Bitoku Resutoran.
In this small case you’ll find three new modules to expand your experience within the thousand year forest, including new yokai cards, iwakura rocks, lake treasures and more surprises. The new modules add more variety and interaction between players and you can combine all together or separately with the base game.
The expansion will be release in the SPIEL fair in 2023. Thanks to the gaming community for your support and for asking for this expansion to Bitoku. We hope you’ll really enjoy Bitoku Resoturan!
Publisher Website:https://devirgames.com/
Playing time: 60-120 min
Age: Advanced
Language: English (EN)
Number of players: 1 (Solo), 2 (Duel), 3,4,5
UPC Code:8436607941279
Sleeves: 71. 57 x 89mm
Livraison gratuite à partir de 90$ local, 110$ au Québec et en Ontario, 150$ au Canada.
Ramassage en magasin
Service après vente
Grande variété de jeux